Campeche a Fortress City

The city was attacked for the first time in 1557 when a group of pirates attacked a galleon entering the port. Since the piracy was a constant threat, in 1564 Luis de Céspedes and Oviedo, the first to hold the title of governor and general, felt the need to fortify the town of San Francisco de Campeche.

Puerta del Mar (Sea Gate) - It has a simple facade, in the big door there is a galleon carved in stone.
Santiago Bastion - It wasbuilt in the 18th Century.Inside it is located the botanical garden "X'much-haltún".
San Francisco Bastion – Built to protect the Land Gate.

Puerta del Tierra (Land Gate) - The Land Gate was one of the four accesses to
the city, and its protected by San Francisco's and San Juan's Bastions, which are linked by long wall fronts that were more than 8 meters tall, where the quarrels between pirates and campechanos can be revived in a light and sound show named “El Lugar del Sun” (The place of the Sun).
San Juan Bastion - It is a unique structure that was part of the big wall.
La Soledad Bastion - Built in the 17th Century, has remains of the wall in one
side. Since 1958 there is a Museum with Archeological, Ethnographical and

Historical pieces.
Santa Rosa Bastion - Pentagonal base with an interior court.
San Carlos Bastion - It was the first built in 1686. The home of the City's Museum, with an interesting photographic exhibit of old times Campeche, as well as the walled city descriptive models.
Fort of San José el Alto - Built in the 18th Century, in its rooms has a permanent exhibit of paintings, objects and models of the colony.
Fort of San Miguel - Built in the 18th Century has old cannons and the Mayan
Culture Museum with an exhibit pieces of the prehispanic and colonial times.

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